Epiphany: a year long journey through the signs of the zodiac

Astrology is an ancient art practiced by most cultures over thousands of years. Everyone everywhere has looked to the sky and the land to orient themselves to the time. Within that, the sky and the land have long been deeply intimate partners.

Join me for a year of collaborative exploration into the signs of the zodiac and their manifestation throughout specific seasonal experiences of the lands we live on. This experience is offered in devotion to astrological practice that is rooted in earth with reverence for stars and skies, centering an animistic worldview, mythopoetics, memory and the wisdom of the body.

or scroll down for more info
(including info about monthly payment options)

What you’ll get

  • Access to 4 live learning labs for guided exploration an 1 closing ceremony
    (via Zoom; recordings included)
    June 20 (4-7pm); Sept. 21 (10am-12:30pm); Dec 21 (10am-12:30); Mar 2025 TBD; June 2025 TBD

    *all times PDT

  • Monthy PDFs with suggestions for engagement through altar work, observation, reflection/writing prompts, somatic processes, contemplation, recipes, astro cheat sheets art, poetry, readings, guided meditation, journeying and more. This course can complement existing practices.

  • Membership in a Discord server for learning and discussion, forums for creative expression, collaborative playlists, mood boards, extra readings, planned and spontaneous QAs and more (optional).
    You’ll also receive early access to recorded interviews with other astrologers about the signs along with transcripts.

  • Patreon Bonuses: Join my Patreon at the $33/month level to get access to Epiphany plus bonuses including live AstroCircles, monthly Full Moon calls and community hangouts, two one on one sessions and much more. Join with an annual membership by June 15 and get 10% off - or join for a month to check it out. $22/month is available for lower income folks.

  • Folks who register with payment up front orthrough a Patreon membership will also receive access to helper PDFS as well as a few recorded lectures to help form foundations of engagement including:
    Queering Astrology (2022; 75 min)
    Developing Your Intuition (2023; 45 min)
    What is Ritual? (2023; 30 min)
    Creating Your Own Altar (PDF)
    What is Ritual? (PDF)
    AstroPolarities (2023; released halfway through the course)

  • All of that adds up to:

    deepened understanding of the zodiac
+increased connection (to land, other and self)
+the opportunity to develop a relationship with astrology that combines the head, the heart and the senses

    +connection with the animist, mythological roots of astrology
+embodied experience with archetypal energies and increased ability to communicate about them
+a container for collaboration, expression, questioning and more

this course is not as much about me teaching you (although that will happen);
as it is an invitation for you to develop your own relationship with the zodiac as living energies that invite participation.
It is my pleasure to support you in that while I engage the work as well.

this will also be an evolving container, which might change shape as we do.
astrology is, after all, a living, breathing art.
as are we.

need a payment plan?
sign up for my Patreon at the Venus Tier for 12 monthly payments
or contact me with questions


  • The payment plan option for this course is a monthly subscription to my patreon campaign. You can subscribe at either Venus Tier ($33 or $22/month) to get full access plus a bunch of other really cool incentives including a one on one with me every six months.

  • No. But it will definitely enhance your ability to understand and therefore communicate about astrology. Beginners and advanced astrologers are welcome.

    This course is focused on learning astrology as a way of knowing.

    It is not an astrology course in terms of you showing up to listen to me tell you What the Signs Are.

    The point of this course is to center your inner world in deep connection with the world around you to build astrological consciousness and work with astrology as a way of knowing and building wisdom.

    Later in the month I will deliver an astrology cheat sheet with “established associations.” Others in the course will bring in their own takes and knowings. But the purpose here is developing our ability to expand into connection, thereby touching on the infinite qualities of the archetypes and the world around us.

  • One benefit is that it allows a monthly payment plan. $33/month is regular cost; $22/month is available for lower income folks.

    The other benefit is that you not only get access to everything Epiphany has to offer, you will have access to:
    -monthly new moon guidance
    -monthly full moon calls with rituals and QA/community hang out time
    -One 50 minute one on one session with me every 6 months
    -monthly divination swaps (in Discord)
    -quarterly chart clinics
    and more

    If you join through Patreon with an annual membership by June 30, you will get 10% off.

    Feel free to join for just the month of June to get a feel for things if you’d like.

    Check it out

  • You will receive an email from me at the beginning of the solar month with a PDF. Video recordings will be stored in a dropbox folder. Spontaneous extras (mythology, art, music, etc) will be shared in our Discord server.

  • The short answer is: no.
    The longer answer is: discussions, sharing (including playlists, art, spontaneous additions) will all happen through Discord. Without it, you will be engaging mostly on your own (out of community) except for the quarterly learning labs.

  • If you purchase a standalone registration or an annual membership through Patreon, no refunds can or will be given. You will have access to course materials for when you are ready to use them.

    If you join through a monthly Patreon membership, you can cancel at any time. Patreon charges you when you join and then at the first of the month.

  • Quarterly learning labs are based around the cardinal signs and the solstices/equinoses. They will set the stage for our learning throught the quarter. We will be exploring through movement, imagery, discussion and embodiment practices.

    The purpose of learning labs is to invite you to your own understanding of the seasons. They are not meant to be places where I tell You what things mean.

    June 20; 4-7pm PDT
    Group introductions/opening ceremony
    Intro to The Sun + suggestions for small solar rituals
    Embodied/experiential intro to Cancer, Leo, Virgo

    September 21; 10am-12:30pm
    Embodied/experiential intro to Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius

    December 21; 10am-12:30pm
    Embodied/experiential intro to Capricorn/Aquarius/Pisces

    Date TBD March 2025
    Embodied/experiential intro to Aries/Taurus/Gemini

    Date TBD June 2025
    Closing Ceremony

  • Animism is a worldview in which we see every part of the world as alive with its own spirit or essence. Within that, relationship and connection become central.

    Mythopoetics help us to understand the mythic core of things, which provides an invitation to participation in the dance of an alive and ensouled cosmos.

    Embodied practices help us to understand our experience and relationality through sensation, memory, imagination and presence, tapping us into the wisdom of the body — which never lies.

    All of this together helps us to decondition from colonial and oppresive paradigms that center domination and destructions.

  • Standalone registration will close June 20.

    If you join my Patreon at the $33(/$22) level, you will have access to the course for as long as you are a member.

  • Not directly or on purpose, no.

    With one exception being The Sun.

    I imagine that a second round of epiphany will occur in June 2025-June 2026 that will cover the Planets. Stay tuned.

  • Probably not?
    A year is a long time to hold a container, even one that is as low-impact as this one. You never know, but I'm not planning on it.

    I am, however, considering doing an 8-9 month course in a similar style to this one that will cover the visible planets.